Ok, so I will try to be short this time. :) All pics available here.
I'm definitely settling in to some sort of daily routine here, but it will for sure be all messed up tomorrow when classes start. Im still looking forward!
In the evening I felt like having some company so I asked my German friend Julia over for dinner. Cooked hakkebøffer with potatoes and salad, which turned out very nicely!
Friday afternoon I had a meeting with the two professors I was put into connection with through Dr. Schloss in order to discuss interprofessional education projects. Had a really good meeting with some interesting outcomes, which Ill follow up on shortly. Just need to get in touch with my thesis advisor in CPH to discuss all the options! :)
5.30 PM I went to a social thingy in the dorm that wasn't too exciting. What was great though was that I met Jesus (Mexican pronunciation! ;)). I wanted to go to a certain party in the evening, but didnt feel like going alone. When I mentioned it, Jesus instantly suggested to go with him, and when we left the dorm later in the evening, there turned out to be 4 of us; Jesus and me, plus Hillary and Chris. We hung out all night, and Sunday night as well - I hope to find these guys around all through the semester!
Saturday I woke up early with a slight hangover, but I was meeting 3 friends (American Amy, Korean Sunny, and Canadian/Korean Ji-Young) for a hiking trip in the mountains at 8 AM. We went up Mount Lemmon in Amy's mini van, and had a great hike around on the top, approximately 4 miles. Was really nice to get out of the heat from the plains below, and to see something more green up there. The nature was completely different, both on top, but also on the way up. Huge fields with the huge cacti ([sawahros]), which turned into more bushy landscapes further up.
Saturday evening was planned for an International Friends dinner, where I went with a Chinese and a Kazhak girl to an American family - Janine and Gary Sanford. We really had a great evening that for me, Janine and their son Chuck turned into a long talk about religion. They're all practising Christians. Before we left the house they invited us back in September for a barbeque, and mentioned that we are more than welcome for Thanksgiving and Christmas as well! So great to meet people this hospitable and friendly!
Sunday was relaxing with nothing really happening during the day, and a La Aldea BBQ at 6 PM. I met Hillary, Jesus and Chris for a beer first, since alcohol is not allowed in the common areas... Can you imagine that in a Danish dorm? Hardly... :D So we had some hotdogs, and went back to the room to have a few more beers and talk. Once again a really nice evening!
Now Im off to bed before my first day "in school" starting at 8AM. Really happy with the great new friends Ive made in such a short time, and also really looking forward to getting down and dirty with the courses here... We'll see how it goes! :) And sorry for not managing to be short - there're just too many things going on! :)
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