Hello again...
I got all creative this morning (after waking up at 5.30... Do enjoy my morning picture!) and made the promised La Aldea Tour video. You can find it in YouTube on this link (personal message - mor: bare tryk på ordet "link" :D) - also in the list to the right.
Otherwise not much to report. Went to target and got more stuff, but no groceries, and I owe a bunch of guys a round of beer after they helped me carry the stuff to my room... Finished editing the video, took a nap, and then went out to find a shop that sells used bikes. It was only 1,6 km on the map, but I could swear it was further to walk - at least the sun was not shining for once. :) They didn't have any bikes for me though. On the way back I found a Dairy Queen, which is a cake/ice cream/milkshake place. Had to try it of course, so they girls inside helped me with a needs assessment to figure out what I needed. Turned out to be a vanilla sundae with hot fudge (melted chocolate) and nuts. :)
Now Im back in my little room, feeling good though still with a cold. Its 7.16 PM, and its already almost completely dark outside. I need to figure out which classes I should register for tomorrow when the block on my account disappears... And I will find a place to get some photos printed to decorate my walls, and then enjoy my new top mattress! :)
Just one other dramatic cloud picture before I check out - they do have a photogenic sky over here!!
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