What an amazing ride it has been. 5 months ago I tore up my life in Copenhagen, at least temporarily, and moved to Arizona. It doesn't feel like such a long time ago, yet so much has happened in the meantime. So many great friends... Hillary gave me a goodbye present the other day on behalf of a large group of my friends from UA. A photo book with letters from everyone - so amazing! I didn't have time to read it, and had to send it home with Helene who was leaving that same day, but I am so looking forward to digging into all that love!
Dropping Helene off in the airport two days ago wasn't easy either. Our roadtrip was perfect, really. We had so much travel luck, everything just worked out to the best. In total we drove 2400 miles/3862 km over a period of 2 weeks. On the way from San Diego we talked about all the people we have met, all the places we have been, all the stuff we experienced. We have over 1000 pictures and a lot of little movie clips, and I cannot wait to get home to go over it all again! :)
I went to eat with Chris, and afterwards met with Hillary in SkyBar for one last margerita. Again, just lacking Jesus, it was like being wrapping things up where they started - in SkyBar with Hillary and Chris. Back home I figured I would spend some time writing my blog before going to bed, and taking off towards Phoenix 10 AM with Jesus, but those relaxing plans ended abruptly when Jesus called and asked if we could just leave immediately. Not having packed my back or said a final goodbye to Hillary it all became a little rushed, but afterall it was kind of nice just to "escape" from Tucson in the middle of the night without thinking too much about it. So we arrived in Phoenix around 4 AM, and I spend the next day sleeping in, repacking my stuff, reading in the sun, having ribs for dinner, and touring Phoenix by car.
Now I am in the airport, leaving for Guadalajara, Mexico, the first stop on my 1 month backpacking travel.
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